Donor Advised Funds | South American Initiative
Donor Advised Funds Donations- DAF -Venezuelan
The main reason DAF (Donor-advised funds) are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity.
Your gift will help the South American Initiative:
- Provide medicine, medical care, clean drinking water, emergency shelter, and other lifesaving support to Venezuelans caught in crisis
- Support resettled Venezuelans in the United States to help them adjust to their new country, learn English, find job opportunities, and gain control over their new lives
- Provide education for abandoned and underprivileged children
- Provide safety and protection for the most vulnerable in Venezuela: Orphans, single mothers, senior citizens, and hospitalized patients
How (DAF) donor-advised funds work
As a donor, you can direct your gifts through a donor-advised fund. Your contribution to qualifying DAFs is considered a charitable contribution by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at the time of the donation.
This allows you the flexibility of advising the DAF when and to which charitable organizations you’d like to make a gift.
South American Initiative Provides Life-Saving Essentials
South American Initiative puts your DAF to work immediately by providing food, medicine, and medical supplies to orphanages, hospitals, animal shelters and zoos.